Name : Sebastian Lim
Date & Time : 19 April 2009 / Sunday / 1:30pm
Place/Website address : Location of incident: Pine Close, my block downstairs.
Person Serving Me : Mr. Juraimie (Mechanic)
What Did I Intend to Buy/What I Bought : Battery for My Honda Jazz was flat and unable to start. Called Honda 24hr Tow Service hotline and spoke to Mr. Juraimie.
Any Other Relevant Information : While Juraimie's conduct was exemplary, I can't say much about Kah Motor Co. Sdn. My last servicing(30k) was done in early Feb 2009. On the checklist, inspection on the car battery was marked as 'having checked' and good to go. I'd my reservations even though i reminded them to check and verify if it's in optimal working condition. I'm even prepared to pay for a new unit if required. Obviously, the mechanic in charge merely ran through the motion. Good grief my car broke down just below my block. I would imagine how nasty it's going to be to caught in that situation with my wife and daughter around.
My Experience : Conduct by Juraimie is very professional and friendly. He began by asking what problem(s) encountered and slowly walked through the trouble-shooting checklist. Was told to expect his arrival within 30-40 mins. Juraime turned up within the stipulated time and proceeded to conduct inspection. He had also given some valuable advice on how one should monitor the car battery's condition. Battery was promptly replaced and all these were completed within a short span of time. Due to the service lapse on Kah Motor's part, the tow fee of S$70 was waived and i only paid for the battery unit. Juraimie deserves a pat on his back. Job well done! Thank you.
Overall Rating : 4 Bouquets (for Juraimie)
1 Brickbat (for Kah Motor Co. Sdn. Workshop at Ubi)
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