Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good Experience at The Curve Mall, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Name : NJS (user chose to use only initials)
Date & Time : 15/02/2009, Between 7.30pm - 8pm
Place/Website address : The Curve Shopping Mall, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Person Serving Me : Duty Concierge & 2 Duty Security Personnel
What Did I Intend to Buy/What I Bought : N/A
My Experience :
Just had both a bad experience AND a good experience in my outing several hours ago. First the bad.. My car battery went dead at the shopping mall, just when we were ready to head home. Tired, sleepy, and baby being a bit cranky since it was getting late, it was the worst possible timing for something like this to happen, since I was hardly in the right frame of mind or had any patience left in me to deal with it. Thankfully I was able to maintain my calm, and sent my family back first.

Now the good. I dropped by the concierge and asked for assistance. what I got was a friendly acknowledgement, followed by a quick phone call to their security dept. All this in a manner of minutes, and with the lady at the concierge giving me almost text book phrases to manage the customer's expectations, "I can't promise you, but we'll try our best". In quality and in customer service, the gravest error you can make is to over promise and under deliver. The lady had been briefed / trained well. I provided them with the location of my car along with the car number and went back down to my car.

In a matter of minutes, a security personnel was there by my side assisting me. They went through the trouble of getting their own car, and another security guard went off to source for a jumper cable (which I stupidly do not have). All in all, in under 15minutes they had my car started and I was on way home.

What I wish to highlight here is that service sometimes does not mean just pure well manners or etiquette, but well thought out processes, well prepared and well trained staff. The team went about helping me like clockwork. Very impressive indeed.

Overall Rating : 3 Bouquets.

Editor's note - Another good experience that shows if one wants to, one can deliver good customer service. I believe they were not given incentives to perform what was essentially their duty, which is to provide service to customers. This good experience went through right from customer service officer to the security personnel. I too am impressed!

Got a customer service experience to share? Email me to get your story published! Do remember to read the submission guidelines and how we rate establishments before submitting.

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