Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Insensitive Staff at Carl's Jr Marina Square

Name : Gareth
Date & Time : 28/10/2008
Place/Website address : Carl's Jr Burgers, Marina Square branch
Person Serving Me : N/A
What Did I Intend to Buy/What I Bought : Burgers
My Experience : We went to Carl's Jr Marina Square for dinner. As we both do not take beef for religious reasons, but loved their burgers, we went for a little something different.

I ordered the standard Santa Fe Charbroiled Chicken while she had the Portobello Mushroom but instead of a beef patty, we requested a change to Chicken Patty. This was duly recorded in the receipt given to us.

Well, considering the "special" order, we were prepared to wait awhile. Then the burgers came. First, my Santa Fe, followed by her Portobello Mushroom with Chicken Patty. Somehow, I asked her to take a small bite to see if they indeed changed the patty. I am not sure why I told her that since it would be assumed, quite wrongfully I might add, that the change would have been done.

She took one bite, showed me the meat and we both realised it's NOT been changed. It was beef! I got rather upset, seeing as how we SPECIFICALLY asked for the change, which was then reflected in the receipt! I went up to the service counter and informed them, asking to speak to the manager.

The manager was apologetic, to be fair, as was the guy who took our order. They made the change and upsized it to a double BUT the damage has been done. Unlike a simple screw up in an order, this one touches on religious issues. As such I am less tolerant towards insensitivities to ANY religion. I noticed the guys at the kitchen were still pretty nonchalant about the whole issue and when the manager came over to ask how was everything, I seriously was in no mood for anything more than curt replies.

My point is, if you want to be in the F&B line, I expect you will be taught to be ATTENTIVE, SENSITIVE and HAVE BASIC KNOWLEDGE of differences and sensitivities in food tastes, preferances and taboos.

Anyway, I sure won't be going back to the Carl's Jr outlet in Marina Square.

Overall Rating : 4 Brickbats. The manager did service recovery but I think the damage had been done. In this case, there really is little that can be done once a sensitivity has been breached so service personnel should learn basic religious sensitivities and taboos whenever possible.

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