According to the article, there will be an accreditation scheme for the shops in Sim Lim Square and those found trustworthy would be given a decal to display on their shop window. Also, the article states that the accreditation scheme will be launched at vendors of two other industries, the motoring and healthy, beauty & spa industry
How about a decal for the NOT trustworthy shops till they buck up on their service levels as well? I think the shame of being blacklisted is a bigger deterrent than the pride of putting an accredited decal, especially here in Singapore where "face" is everything.
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Most of the shops in SLS are owned by rich & powerful 'warlords', who has influence in the management. The best way is to hit them in the pocket. For example, any shops deemed 'not trustworthy', the landlord who sublets(not the mgt), will be penalized. That was how the piracy was booted out nearly a decade ago.